General Knowledge

Understanding UFOs: UFOs are, as their name suggests, flying objects that cannot be immediately identified. The term is widely used for claimed observations of extraterrestrial spacecraft. Such sightings are often reported by pilots, astronauts, and ordinary individuals from all walks of life.

Famous incidents:

  • Roswell Incident: UFOs are, as their name suggests, flying objects that cannot be immediately identified. The term is widely used for claimed observations of extraterrestrial spacecraft. Such sightings are often reported by pilots, astronauts, and ordinary individuals from all walks of life.
  • Phoenix Lights: In 1997, thousands of people saw a huge triangular formation of lights flying slowly over the Phoenix area.


Official Investigations: Modern study of UFOs is called UFOlogy. Many UFOlogists call for continued scientific study of UFOs, arguing that unknown phenomena merit investigation in their own right.

Modern UFOlogy: Modern study of UFOs is called UFOlogy. Many UFOlogists call for continued scientific study of UFOs, arguing that unknown phenomena merit investigation in their own right.

Classification of sightings: UFO sightings are classified into various categories. These include 'nocturnal lights,' 'daylight disks,' 'radar/visual reports,' and 'close encounters' (which have subcategories ranging from observations of entities to purported abductions).

Explanations: Explanations for UFO sightings range from misidentification of natural phenomena, aircraft, or other prosaic objects; to hoaxes; to psychological delusion; to top-secret aircraft; and, for some, to genuine extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Implications: Some individuals see the exploration of UFO sightings as a key to better understanding potential life beyond Earth. For them, it's a springboard into broader questions of our place in the universe.

UFO Shapes

UFOs have been reported in various shapes and sizes, but there are a few forms that tend to appear more frequently in sightings:

Spherical or Orb-like UFOs: These are often reported as brightly lit objects or luminous balls of light. They can vary in size, and many sightings report them as smaller, drone-like entities. They're frequently spotted moving in irregular patterns in the sky, unlike conventional aircraft.

Disc or Saucer-shaped UFOs: This is perhaps the most iconic representation of a UFO – the so-called "flying saucer." These are typically described as having a disc-like or round appearance, sometimes with a "dome" on top. The infamous Roswell incident of 1947 popularized this shape.

Cigar or Cylinder-shaped UFOs: These are long, cylindrical UFOs that often lack wings or any other features one might associate with a standard aircraft. Sightings of this type of UFO often describe them as large, silent, and slow-moving.

Triangle or Pyramid UFOs: Triangular UFOs, often reported to have lights on each point, are a commonly reported form. These UFOs are usually described as relatively large, silent, and capable of both high-speed maneuvers and hovering. An example is the "Phoenix Lights" sighting in 1997.

Tic Tac-Shaped UFOs: These have come into more recent prominence due to the 2004 USS Nimitz incident where US Navy personnel observed a tic-tac (or pill)-shaped object moving in ways not yet possible with known aviation technology.

Changing Forms/Non-static UFOs: Some reports detail UFOs that don't conform to a specific shape. These designs can morph or shift in mid-air, changing their physical appearance, which is far beyond the known capabilities of any conventional aircraft on Earth.

Non physical UFOs and ETs

The diverse field of UFOlogy and the study of extraterrestrial life does entertain the possibility of non-physical UFOs and aliens. However, it's important to note that these theories are highly speculative and often dip into the metaphysical or paranormal realm. They currently lack empirical scientific support, but are quite intriguing and have sparked significant discussion. Here are two key concepts:

Interdimensional Hypothesis: This posits that UFOs and related events are caused by entities from other realities or dimensions that temporarily appear in our own universe. This hypothesis considers UFOs as a sort of “window” into other dimensions, suggesting that these entities are capable of altering our physical reality.

Psychic Phenomena or Projection: Some suggest that certain UFOs may be mental projections or illusions that are made perceivable by others. This theory often overlaps with discussions around psychic phenomena and the potential for mass hallucinations. Some also suggest individual encounters may be telepathic interactions with an alien consciousness.

In addition to these concepts, discussions on non-physical aliens often branch into spiritual and esoteric areas, with mentions of cosmic consciousness, astral planes, and other dimensions of existence. Some individuals describe encounters with alien beings during near-death experiences, or assert communication with extraterrestrial entities during deep meditation or through channeling.

Should you be scared if you see an UFO?

No! We reassure you that there's typically no need to be scared if you see what appears to be a UFO. Remember, UFO simply stands for Unidentified Flying Object, which means it could be anything from a drone, a weather balloon, a peculiar cloud formation, or an atmospheric phenomenon.

While the prospect of spotting a UFO can be startling due to its association with the unknown or the extraterrestrial, it's important to remember a few things:

Majority are Explainable: A high percentage of UFO sightings can be explained by known phenomena. They're often identified as misinterpretations of natural, astronomical, or atmospheric happenstances, or man-made objects such as aircraft, satellites, weather balloons, etc.

No Aggressive Intent: Historically, there have been no verified instances where a UFO sighting has directly resulted in harm or posed a threat. While some reports involve feelings of fear or physiological effects, it is often unclear whether these are caused by the sighting itself or the individual's reaction to this unknown experience.

Scientific Interest: A sighting can provide an opportunity to add to the body of data about these phenomena. If safe to do so, documenting the sighting (writing down details, taking photographs or video) can be helpful.

This information you should collect while experiencing an UFO Sighting!

Should you experience a UFO sighting, documenting key details can be very valuable in subsequent analysis or investigation. Here are some pointers on what information to collect:

Date and Time: Record the exact date and time of the sighting. This can help in cross checking with flight schedules, astronomical events, etc.

Geographical Location: Detail where you are. Provide the name of the place, the nearest city, or town, and your specific location at the site. If you are using our app, it will automatically record your location as long it is open.

Duration of the Sighting: How long did you observe the UFO? Was it a fleeting moment or did it last several minutes? Timing can sometimes offer clues to what you might have seen.

Direction: What direction did you see the object? Providing a compass direction (for example, North-East) and apparent movement direction, if any, can add value.

Environmental Conditions: What was the weather like, and what were the lighting conditions? Was the sky clear or clouded? These elements can help to understand if atmospheri phenomena might have been involved.

Appearance of the UFO: Document the UFO's physical characteristics. What color was it? What shape? Was it bright or dim? Did it have any visible structures? Was it making any sound? Did the object leave behind any trail? Did it move erratically or in a straight path?

Size and Altitude: Estimate the apparent size of the object and its altitude. You can compare the size to a known object at arm's length. Understanding if the object was close to the ground or high in the sky can be very helpful.

Photographs and Videos: If possible and safe, try to take photographs or videos of the UFO. These can be substantial pieces of evidence and provide a visual reference that others can study.

Witnesses: If there were other witnesses to the event, gather their perspectives and accounts as well. Their insights might corroborate or add depth to your own observations.

Your Initial Thoughts and Feelings: Detail what your immediate reactions and feelings were during and after the sighting. This personal insight could help experts understand the impact and context of the sighting from an observer's perspective.

After collecting this information, consider reporting the sighting to our "UFO Sightings App". This will give researchers and investigators data they need for ongoing UFO studies and investigations. Remember, accuracy is crucial when reporting these events.